Industry Webinar: NERC 2024-2025 Winter Reliability Assessment
December 4, 2024 | 3:00-4:00 p.m. Eastern
Webinar Registration
NERC invites you to attend a live webinar on the 2024-2025 Winter Reliability Assessment (WRA) – NERC's 2024-2025 WRA was released on November 14. In the assessment, NERC finds that while regulatory and industry initiatives have improved winter readiness, many parts of North America are once again at an elevated risk of energy shortfalls under extreme conditions. The findings are largely driven by issues related to natural gas production and delivery coupled with potential limited regional pipeline capacity in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, robust load growth that continues to surpass growth in dispatchable resources, and retirements in thermal generation resources. Like last year, no areas are identified as having a high risk of energy shortfalls in extreme weather conditions and all areas are expected to have adequate resources under normal winter peak load conditions.
NERC staff will lead a discussion and answer your questions concerning the 2024-2025 WRA. This webinar is public and focused on the bulk power system owners and operators.