Resources Subcommittee (RS)
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Resources Subcommittee (RS) assists the NERC Reliability and Security Technical Committee (RSTC)​ in enhancing Bulk Electric System (BES) reliability by implementing the goals and objectives of the RSTC Strategic Plan with respect to issues in the areas of balancing resources and demand, interconnection frequency, and control performance. The RS’s responsibilities include the following functions:
  • ​Reviewing and assisting in the development of generation and load “balancing” standards. Which may include developing any necessary reference documents.
  • Reviewing and assisting in the development of interconnection balancing standards to assure problems resulting from balancing do not adversely affect reliability.
  • Providing oversight and guidance to working groups and task forces.
  • Providing industry leadership and guidance on matters relating to balancing resources and demand issues as well as resulting issues related to interconnection frequency.
  • Addressing the reliability aspects of inadvertent interchange creation, accounting, and payback.
  • Review balancing authorities’ control performance (e.g., CPS and DCS) on a periodic basis.
  • Address technical issues on automatic generation control (AGC), time error correction, operating reserve, and frequency response.
  • Provide oversight and guidance on aspects of interchange scheduling as it applies to impacts on balancing and inadvertent interchange.

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2024_FRAA_Report_Final_Draft.pdf2024 Frequency Response Annual Analysis Report
2023_FRAA_Report_Final.pdf2023 Frequency Response Annual Analysis Report
2022_FRAA_Draft_Report.pdf2022 Frequency Response Annual Analysis report
2019 FRAA Report Final.pdf2019 Frequency Response Annual Analysis Report
2018_FRAA_Report_Final.pdf2018 Frequency Response Annual Analysis Report
2017_FRAA_Final_20171113.pdf2017 Frequency Response Annual Analysis Report
2016_FRAA_Report_2016-09-30.pdf2016 Frequency Response Annual Analysis Report
collapse BAL Standard : BAL-003 ‎(2)
IFR Master Event List_REDACTED.xlsxIFR Master Event List11/6/2023

 2019 GOP Survey Webinar

​2019 GOP Survey Webinar - September 26, 2019

Presentation | Streaming Webinar

expand Grouping : 2019 GOP Survey - Supporting Documents ‎(1)
2019_NERC_GO_Survey_-_Final_03012021.pdf2019 Generator Operator Survey Summary Report3/19/2021


