RSTC Special Election | Sector 1: Investor-owned Utility


​​​​​​​Due to a member resignation on the Reliability and Security Technical Committee (RSTC), we have a Sector 1: Investor-owned U​tility representative vacancy. The RSTC will hold a special election to try and fill this vacancy. The period for nominating candidates during this special election will be April 1-22, 2024.​

Open Member Positions:

  • ​Sector 1: Has one seat open for a one-year term expiring on January 31, 2025.​

If no more than one nomination is received, the nominee will be deemed to have been elected fo​r the open seat. If there is more than one nominee for this sector, there will be a sector election process to determine the final representative for this seat.

Terms expire as of the approval of the new membership slates at the Board of Trustees annual February meeting. 

You do not have to be a NERC member in order to nominate a sector nominee.  However, if there is an election process, only NERC Members may elect the RSTC members in each sector.

Sector nominees need not be NERC members in the sector for which they are nominated; however, they must be eligible to be a member in that sector.

  • ​For example, Company X is an investor-owned utility holding company that owns a utility and an unregulated merchant generation. Company X, which can only join one NERC membership sector, is a NERC member in the investor-owned utility sector; however, it could have joined the merchant electricity generator sector. Therefore, nominees from either sector may be submitted by Company X.

Canadian sector nominations are encouraged.​

​Nomination Period is April 1-22, 2024 | 2024 RSTC Special Election Sector 1 Nomination Form

​2024 RSTC Sector 1 Nominations
​Sector 1 Nominations
​Todd Lucas​