​​Membership in NERC is free, voluntary, and open to any person or entity with an interest in the reliable operation of the​ North American bulk power system who submits an application and maintains his or her membership in accordance with Article II of NERC's bylaws.
Each member will join only 1 of 13 industry sectors, members of sectors 1-12 elect sector representatives on the NERC Member Representatives Committee (MRC). The MRC elects NERC's independent trustees, votes on amendments to the bylaws, and provides advice and recommendations to the Board with respect to the development of annual budgets, business plans and funding mechanisms, and other matters pertinent to the purpose and operations of NERC.
To become a member of NERC please complete the online application form on the NERC ERO Portal. Please check the existing NERC Membership list to see if your company or affiliate company is already a member before submitting an application. In accordance with the NERC bylaws, "A corporation and its affiliates shall be considered a single member and may register in only one sector, which may be any single sector for which the corporation or any of its affiliates is eligible.

NERC Membership Renewal

NERC's Bylaws provide that NERC may periodically renew its membership roster. The last renewal was conducted in 2021. 

For answers to your membership questions, please contact NERC Membership (via email).