Statement on FERC September Open Meeting

WASHINGTON, D.C. At its monthly open meeting, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued two notices of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) related to NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standards. The first NOPR proposes to approve proposed Reliability Standard CIP-015-1, which establishes requirements for internal network security monitoring for network traffic inside an Electronic Security Perimeter. The NOPR also proposes to direct standards revisions to further extend protections to certain assets outside the Electronic Security Perimeter. The proposed Reliability Standard addresses a previous FERC directive in Order No. 887. The second NOPR initiates a new proceeding and proposes to direct new or modified Reliability Standards to address the identification, assessment, and response to supply chain risks within NERC Reliability Standards CIP-005, CIP-010, and CIP-013, first approved by FERC in October 2018 and subsequently revised. Furthermore, the NOPR proposes to direct Protected Cyber Assets receive supply chain risk management protections under NERC Reliability Standards. Both NOPRs propose that NERC file new or revised Reliability Standards within 12 months of a final order.

NERC appreciates FERC​s focus on reliability matters and will continue to work toward assuring the reliability and security of the North American bulk power system.​

Posted On: 09/19/2024