WASHINGTON, D.C. – At its monthly open meeting, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) took action on three items related to ERO Enterprise work on inverter-based resources. First, FERC issued an order directing NERC to submit a work plan to ultimately register certain inverter-based resources. Second, FERC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking directing NERC to develop new or modified Reliability Standards that address the following areas for certain inverter-based resources: data sharing, model validation, planning and operational studies, and performance requirements. Third, FERC approved Reliability Standards FAC-001-4 and FAC-002-4. These standards work together to ensure that proper coordination and studies are done to evaluate the reliability impacts of newly interconnecting Facilities and changes at existing interconnected Facilities.
The ERO Enterprise appreciates FERC’s focus on reliability matters and will continue to work with FERC and stakeholders toward assuring the reliability of the North American bulk power system.