Title Industry Workshop Announcement Virtual Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) Boot Camps
Location WebEx
Start Time 8/3/2023 1:00 PM
End Time 8/3/2023 5:00 PM
Event Details

NERC disturbance reports have been highlighting the growing need for EMT modeling to adequately assess potential IBRs performance issues and their impact on BPS reliability.  In our shared mission to improve interconnection of IBR and their reliability, and thus executing on NERC IBR Strategy, U.S. Department of Energy Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X) and NERC bring you the EMT Boot Camps to provide hands-on training on using EMT simulation tools and models to perform individual IBR plant performance assessment and system impact assessment as part of enhanced interconnection studies, both manually and through automation for a streamlined work flow.


Who Should Attend

While the Boot Camps are open to industry, Transmission Planners and Planning Coordinators are especially encouraged to participate. The Boot Camps are part of a concerted effort to prepare them for the widespread adoption of EMT modeling as NERC standard development effort is currently underway to include EMT modeling in relevant reliability standards.


About i2X

The U.S. Department of Energy Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X) convenes hundreds of diverse organizations across the energy ecosystem to explore and implement practical solutions to grid interconnection challenges while cultivating paradigm-shifting ideas and capabilities for the future. Led by the Solar Energy Technologies Office and the Wind Energy Technologies Office and supported by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), i2X facilitate peer-learning and knowledge exchange to enable simpler, faster, and fairer interconnection of clean energy resources all while enhancing the reliability, resiliency, and security of our distribution and transmission electric grid networks. Join i2X to reimagine, retool, and shape the decarbonization of the nation's electricity system by 2035. www.energy.gov/i2x



The purpose of this session is to get you ready for the Boot Camps by establishing a baseline competence in your EMT tool of choice [1]. EMT software vendors will be invited to deliver basic software demonstrations and to answer questions. Participants are expected to have installed their software and worked through at least one tutorial example prior to this session to ensure software readiness.


Date: July 27, 2023 | 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Eastern

Click here to: Register


Boot Camp 1: Individual IBR Plant Performance Assessment 

Recently released Reliability Guideline on Electromagnetic Transient Modeling for BPS Connected Inverter-Based Resources has recommended establishing EMT model requirements in interconnection requirements and processes to verify the quality of the models and IBR disturbance ride through performance. This first Boot Camp will walk you through EMT modeling fundamentals, EMT model quality verification tests and disturbance ride-through performance assessment tests recommended in the Reliability Guideline, and IEEE 2800 performance assessment.


Date: August 3, 2023 | 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Eastern

Click here to: Register


Boot Camp 2: System Impact Assessment

This Boot Camp focuses on modeling and validating bulk power system models, and performing system impact assessments as part of enhanced interconnection studies. It will walk you through the paces of an interconnection study on an EMT platform with the IBR plant model from the first Boot Camp interconnected to a sample system area model.


Date: September 14, 2023 | 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Eastern

Click here to: Register


[1] NERC supports overall EMT modeling efforts and does not advocate use of any one specific software. The Boot Camps will be conducted with a mixed use of PSCAD© and EMTP© for logistical reasons and their common usage. Their use does not in any way constitute endorsement or advocacy, and NERC takes this opportunity to highlight that alternatives exist.

[1] NERC supports overall EMT modeling efforts and does not advocate use of any one specific software. The Boot Camps will be conducted with a mixed use of PSCAD© and EMTP© for logistical reasons and their common usage. Their use does not in any way constitute endorsement or advocacy, and NERC takes this opportunity to highlight that alternatives exist.

 For more information or assistance, please contact Levetra Pitts (via email).​

All Day Event  
Content Type: Event