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The nomination period for 2024-02 Planning Energy Assurance is now open through 8 p.m. Eastern, Thursday, September 26, 2024.
The transition from coal and nuclear generation to wind, solar, natural gas (with and without oil back up), distributed energy resources, and hybrid (renewables plus energy storage) resources is creating a more complex scenario and highlighting the need for energy assurance. Installed generating capacity analysis alone is not sufficient to ensure a reliable supply of energy for the BES. The proliferation of intermittent renewable generation in the resource mix increases the importance of having precisely controllable resources with sufficient fuel available, ready to respond when needed. The increasing prevalence of distribution-level resources and flexible load programs also introduces added volatility into energy forecasts, further complicating energy reliability assessments.
Standard(s) Affected: TPL-001-5.1. Additional standard revisions may be determined by the drafting team.
Purpose/Industry Need
This project will enhance reliability by requiring industry to perform energy reliability assessments for the planning (>one year) time horizon to evaluate energy assurance and when predefined criteria are not met, develop Corrective Action Plan(s), Operating Plans, or other mitigating actions to address identified risks. Energy reliability assessments evaluate energy assurance across the Long-Term Transmission Planning by analyzing the expected resource mix availability (flexibility) and the expected availability of fuel during the study period.
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