Header : Archived RSAWs (6)
 | 2011 Complete Set | Reliability Standard Audit Worksheet - Complete Set for 2011 Actively Monitored List | 1/25/2011 |
 | 2012 Complete Set | Reliability Standard Audit Worksheet - Complete Set for 2012 Actively Monitored List | 10/19/2011 |
 | 2013 Complete Set | Reliability Standard Audit Worksheet - Complete Set for 2013 Actively Monitored List | 1/10/2014 |
 | 2014 Complete Set | Reliability Standard Audit Worksheet - Complete Set for 2014 Actively Monitored List | 10/28/2014 |
 | 2019 Complete Set | Reliability Standard Audit Worksheet - Complete set for 2019 Actively Monitored list | 6/18/2019 |
 | 2020 Complete Set | Reliability Standard Audit Worksheet - Complete set for 2020 Actively Monitored list | 6/7/2022 |
Header : Current RSAWs for Use (204)
 | BAL-001-2 | Real Power Balancing Control Performance | 5/16/2016 |
 | BAL-002-1 | Disturbance Control Performance | 10/16/2011 |
 | BAL-002-2(i) | Disturbance Control Performance - Contingency Reserve for Recovery from a Balancing Contingency Event | 8/22/2018 |
 | BAL-002-3 | Disturbance Control Performance - Contingency Reserve for Recovery from a Balancing Contingency Event | 1/3/2019 |
 | BAL-003-1.1 | Frequency Response and Bias Settings | 3/22/2018 |
 | BAL-003-2 | Frequency Response and Bias Settings | 9/24/2020 |
 | BAL-005-0.2b | Automatic Generation Control | 5/20/2013 |
 | BAL-005-1 | Balancing Authority Control | 8/22/2018 |
 | BAL-006-2 | Inadvertent Interchange | 10/16/2011 |
 | CIP-002-5.1a | Cyber Security - BES Cyber System Categorization | 3/13/2018 |
 | CIP-003-8 | Cyber Security — Security Management Controls | 3/12/2020 |
 | CIP-003-9 | Cyber Security — Security Management Controls | 8/22/2024 |
 | CIP-004-6 | Cyber Security - Personnel & Training | 5/8/2015 |
 | CIP-004-7 | CIP-004-7 – Cyber Security – Personnel & Training | 11/14/2022 |
 | CIP-005-5 | Cyber Security - Electronic Security Perimeter(s) | 5/8/2015 |
 | CIP-005-6 | Cyber Security - Electronic Security Perimeter(s) | 4/1/2020 |
 | CIP-005-7 | CIP-005-7 – Cyber Security – Electronic Security Perimeter(s) | 9/14/2022 |
 | CIP-006-6 | Cyber Security - Physical Security of BES Cyber Systems | 11/3/2020 |
 | CIP-007-6 | Cyber Security - System Security Management | 5/8/2015 |
 | CIP-008-5 | Cyber Security - Incident Reporting and Response Planning | 5/8/2015 |
 | CIP-008-6 | Cyber Security — Incident Reporting and Response Planning | 11/3/2020 |
 | CIP-009-6 | Cyber Security - Recovery Plans for BES Cyber Systems | 5/8/2015 |
 | CIP-010-2 | Cyber Security – Configuration Change Management and Vulnerability Assessments | 5/8/2015 |
 | CIP-010-3 | Cyber Security – Configuration Change Management and Vulnerability Assessments | 4/1/2020 |
 | CIP-010-4 | CIP-010-4 – Cyber Security – Configuration Change Management and Vulnerability Assessments | 9/14/2022 |
 | CIP-011-2 | Cyber Security – Information Protection | 5/8/2015 |
 | CIP-011-3 | CIP-011-3 – Cyber Security – Information Protection | 11/14/2022 |
 | CIP-012-1 | Cyber Security – Communications between Control Centers | 11/23/2022 |
 | CIP-012-2 | Cyber Security – Communications between Control Centers | 10/23/2024 |
 | CIP-013-1 | CIP-013-1 – Cyber Security – Supply Chain Risk Management | 4/1/2020 |
 | CIP-013-2 | CIP-013-2 – Cyber Security – Supply Chain Risk Management | 9/14/2022 |
 | CIP-014-2 | Physical Security | 10/1/2015 |
 | CIP-014-3 | Physical Security | 7/19/2022 |
 | COM-001-2.1 | Communications | 5/24/2017 |
 | COM-001-3 | Communications | 6/12/2017 |
 | COM-002-4 | Operating Personnel Communications Protocols | 2/19/2016 |
 | EOP-001-2.1b | Emergency Operations Planning | 8/9/2013 |
 | EOP-002-3.1 | Capacity and Energy Emergencies | 3/20/2014 |
 | EOP-003-2 | Load Shedding Plans | 10/13/2012 |
 | EOP-004-2 | Event Reporting | 10/15/2013 |
 | EOP-004-3 | Event Reporting | 12/19/2016 |
 | EOP-004-4 | Event Reporting | 9/27/2018 |
 | EOP-005-2 | System Restoration from Blackstart Resources | 12/22/2015 |
 | EOP-005-3 | System Restoration from Blackstart Resources | 11/2/2018 |
 | EOP-006-2 | System Restoration Coordination | 7/17/2013 |
 | EOP-006-3 | System Restoration Coordination | 6/19/2019 |
 | EOP-008-1 | Loss of Control Center Functionality | 10/13/2012 |
 | EOP-008-2 | Loss of Control Center Functionality | 11/2/2018 |
 | EOP-010-1 | Geomagnetic Disturbance (GMD) Operations | 5/13/2015 |
 | EOP-011-1 | Emergency Operations | 12/19/2016 |
 | EOP-011-2 | Emergency Operations | 2/24/2023 |
 | EOP-011-4 | Emergency Operations | 8/23/2024 |
 | EOP-012-2 | Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations | 8/23/2024 |
 | FAC-001-1 | Facility Connection Requirements | 10/14/2014 |
 | FAC-001-2 | Facility Interconnection Requirements | 11/23/2015 |
 | FAC-001-3 | Facility Interconnection Requirements | 8/21/2018 |
 | FAC-001-4 | Facility Interconnection Requirements | 12/5/2023 |
 | FAC-002-1 | Coordination of Plans for New Generation, Transmission, and End-User Facilities | 10/16/2011 |
 | FAC-002-2 | Facility Interconnection Studies | 11/23/2015 |
 | FAC-002-3 | Facility Interconnection Studies | 3/18/2021 |
 | FAC-002-4 | Facility Interconnection Studies | 12/5/2023 |
 | FAC-003-4 | Transmission Vegetation Management | 7/22/2016 |
 | FAC-003-5 | Transmission Vegetation Management | 3/28/2024 |
 | FAC-008-5 | Facility Ratings | 9/20/2021 |
 | FAC-010-2.1 | System Operating Limits Methodology for the Planning Horizon v2 | 1/25/2011 |
 | FAC-010-3 | System Operating Limits Methodology for the Planning Horizon | 12/19/2016 |
 | FAC-011-2 | System Operating Limits Methodology for the Operations Horizon | 1/25/2011 |
 | FAC-011-3 | System Operating Limits Methodology for the Operations Horizon | 1/20/2017 |
 | FAC-011-4 | System Operating Limits Methodology for the Operations Horizon | 3/28/2024 |
 | FAC-013-2 | Assessment of Transfer Capability for the Near-Term Transmission Planning Horizon | 10/13/2012 |
 | FAC-014-2 | Establish and Communicate System Operating Limits | 1/25/2011 |
 | FAC-014-3 | Establish and Communicate System Operating Limits | 3/28/2024 |
 | INT-004-3.1 | Dynamic Transfers | 3/22/2018 |
 | INT-006-4 | Evaluation of Interchange Transactions | 8/29/2014 |
 | INT-006-5 | Evaluation of Interchange Transactions | 3/18/2021 |
 | INT-009-2.1 | Implementation of Interchange | 2/26/2018 |
 | INT-009-3 | Implementation of Interchange | 3/18/2021 |
 | INT-010-2.1 | Interchange Initiation and Modification for Reliability | 2/26/2018 |
 | INT-011-1 | Intra-Balancing Authority Transaction Identification | 8/29/2014 |
 | IRO-001-1.1 | Reliability Coordination - Responsibilities and Authorities | 1/25/2011 |
 | IRO-001-4 | Reliability Coordination – Responsibilities | 11/3/2016 |
 | IRO-002-2 | Reliability Coordination - Facilities | 3/20/2014 |
 | IRO-002-4 | Reliability Coordination – Monitoring and Analysis | 11/3/2016 |
 | IRO-002-5 | Reliability Coordination – Monitoring and Analysis | 6/28/2017 |
 | IRO-002-6 | Reliability Coordination – Monitoring and Analysis | 12/18/2019 |
 | IRO-002-7 | Reliability Coordination – Monitoring and Analysis | 3/18/2021 |
 | IRO-003-2 | Reliability Coordination - Wide-Area View | 3/20/2014 |
 | IRO-004-2 | Reliability Coordination - Operations Planning | 10/16/2011 |
 | IRO-005-3.1a | Reliability Coordination - Current-Day Operations | 5/20/2013 |
 | IRO-006-5 | Reliability Coordination - Transmission Loading Relief | 10/16/2011 |
 | IRO-006-EAST-2 | Transmission Loading Relief Procedure for the Eastern Interconnection | 3/31/2016 |
 | IRO-008-1 | Reliability Coordinator Operational Analyses and Real-time Assessments | 10/16/2011 |
 | IRO-008-2 | Reliability Coordinator Operational Analyses and Real-time Assessments | 11/3/2016 |
 | IRO-008-3 | Reliability Coordinator Operational Analyses and Real-time Assessments | 3/28/2024 |
 | IRO-009-2 | Reliability Coordinator Actions to Operate Within IROLs | 12/22/2015 |
 | IRO-010-1a | Reliability Coordinator Data Specifications and Collection | 10/16/2011 |
 | IRO-010-2 | Reliability Coordinator Data Specification and Collection | 10/13/2016 |
 | IRO-010-3 | Reliability Coordinator Data Specification and Collection | 3/18/2021 |
 | IRO-010-4 | Reliability Coordinator Data Specification and Collection | 2/14/2023 |
 | IRO-010-5 | Reliability Coordinator Data Specification and Collection | 2/19/2024 |
 | IRO-014-1 | Procedures, Processes, or Plans to Support Coordination Between Reliability Coordinators | 10/13/2012 |
 | IRO-014-3 | Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators | 3/10/2017 |
 | IRO-015-1 | Notifications and Information Exchange Between Reliability Coordinators | 1/25/2011 |
 | IRO-016-1 | Coordination of Real-time Activities Between Reliability Coordinators | 1/25/2011 |
 | IRO-017-1 | Outage Coordination | 3/10/2017 |
 | IRO-018-1(i) | Reliability Coordinator Real-time Reliability Monitoring and Analysis Capabilities | 10/11/2017 |
 | MOD-001-1a | Available Transmission System Capability | 10/16/2011 |
 | MOD-004-1 | Capacity Benefit Margin | 10/16/2011 |
 | MOD-008-1 | Transmission Reliability Margin Calculation Methodology | 10/16/2011 |
 | MOD-010-0 | Steady-State Data for Transmission System Modeling & Simulation | 1/25/2010 |
 | MOD-012-0 | Dynamics Data for Transmission System Modeling and Simulation | 1/25/2010 |
 | MOD-016-1.1 | Documentation of Data Reporting Requirements for Actual and Forecast Demands, | 1/25/2011 |
 | MOD-017-0.1 | Aggregated Actual and Forecast Demands and Net Energy for Load | 1/25/2011 |
 | MOD-018-0 | Treatment of Nonmember Demand Data | 1/25/2011 |
 | MOD-019-0.1 | Forecasts of Interruptible Demands and DCLM Data | 1/25/2011 |
 | MOD-020-0 | Providing Interruptible Demands and DCLM Management Data To System Operators and Reliability Coordinators | 1/25/2011 |
 | MOD-021-1 | Documentation of the Accounting Methodology for the Effects of Demand-Side Management in Demand and Energy Forecasts | 10/16/2011 |
 | MOD-025-2 | Verification and Data Reporting of Generator Real and Reactive Power Capability and Synchronous Condenser Reactive Power Capability | 5/25/2017 |
 | MOD-026-1 | Verification of Models and Data for Generator Excitation Control System or Plant Volt/Var Control Functions | 9/27/2018 |
 | MOD-027-1 | Verification of Models and Data for Turbine/Governor and Load Control or Active Power/Frequency Control Functions | 6/13/2014 |
 | MOD-028-2 | Area Interchange Methodology | 10/10/2013 |
 | MOD-029-1a | Rated System Path Methodology | 10/16/2011 |
 | MOD-029-2a | Rated System Path Methodology | 11/3/2016 |
 | MOD-030-2 | Flowgate Methodology | 1/25/2011 |
 | MOD-030-3 | Flowgate Methodology | 11/7/2016 |
 | MOD-031-2 | Demand and Energy Data | 7/8/2016 |
 | MOD-031-3 | Demand and Energy Data | 3/18/2021 |
 | MOD-032-1 | Data for Power System Modeling and Analysis | 4/23/2015 |
 | MOD-033-1 | Steady-State and Dynamic System Model Validation | 4/7/2017 |
 | MOD-033-2 | Steady-State and Dynamic System Model Validation | 3/18/2021 |
 | NUC-001-2.1 | Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination | 4/24/2014 |
 | NUC-001-3 | Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination | 2/3/2016 |
 | NUC-001-4 | Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination | 3/18/2021 |
 | PER-001-0.2 | Operating Personnel Responsibility and Authority | 5/20/2013 |
 | PER-003-1 | Operating Personnel Credentials | 1/23/2013 |
 | PER-003-2 | Operating Personnel Credentials | 5/2/2019 |
 | PER-004-2 | Reliability Coordination - Staffing | 10/16/2011 |
 | PER-005-2 | Operations Personnel Training | 7/22/2016 |
 | PER-006-1 | Specific Training for Personnel | 3/18/2021 |
 | PRC-001-1.1(ii) | System Protection Coordination | 8/5/2015 |
 | PRC-002-2 | Disturbance Monitoring and Reporting Requirements | 2/19/2016 |
 | PRC-002-4 | Disturbance Monitoring and Reporting Requirements | 3/28/2024 |
 | PRC-004-4(i) | Protection System Misoperation Identification and Correction | 3/31/2016 |
 | PRC-004-5(i) | Protection System Misoperation Identification and Correction | 11/3/2016 |
 | PRC-004-6 | Protection System Misoperation Identification and Correction | 3/18/2021 |
 | PRC-005-1.1b | Transmission and Generation Protection System Maintenance and Testing | 10/28/2014 |
 | PRC-005-2(i) | Protection System Maintenance | 5/16/2016 |
 | PRC-005-6 | Protection System, Automatic Reclosing, and Sudden Pressure Relaying Maintenance | 5/16/2016 |
 | PRC-006-3 | Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding | 11/29/2017 |
 | PRC-006-5 | Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding | 3/18/2021 |
 | PRC-008-0 | Underfrequency Load Shedding Equipment Maintenance Programs | 1/25/2011 |
 | PRC-010-0 | Assessment of the Design and Effectiveness of UVLS Program | 1/25/2011 |
 | PRC-010-2 | Undervoltage Load Shedding | 3/10/2017 |
 | PRC-011-0 | UVLS System Maintenance and Testing | 1/25/2011 |
 | PRC-012-2 | Remedial Action Schemes | 10/23/2020 |
 | PRC-015-0 | Special Protection System Data and Documentation | 1/25/2011 |
 | PRC-015-1 | Remedial Action Scheme Data and Documentation | 11/3/2016 |
 | PRC-016-0.1 | Special Protection System Misoperations | 1/25/2011 |
 | PRC-016-1 | Remedial Action Scheme Misoperations | 11/3/2016 |
 | PRC-017-0 | Special Protection System Maintenance and Testing | 1/25/2011 |
 | PRC-017-1 | Remedial Action Scheme Maintenance and Testing | 11/3/2016 |
 | PRC-018-1 | Disturbance Monitoring Equipment Installation and Data Reporting | 1/25/2011 |
 | PRC-019-2 | Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities, Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection | 3/31/2016 |
 | PRC-021-1 | Undervoltage Load Shedding Program Data | 1/25/2011 |
 | PRC-022-1 | Under Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance | 1/25/2011 |
 | PRC-023-2 | Transmission Relay Loadability | 10/10/2013 |
 | PRC-023-3 | Transmission Relay Loadability | 8/29/2014 |
 | PRC-023-4 | Transmission Relay Loadability | 11/3/2016 |
 | PRC-023-6 | Transmission Relay Loadability | 3/28/2024 |
 | PRC-024-2 | Generator Frequency and Voltage Protective Relay Settings | 7/9/2021 |
 | PRC-024-3 | Frequency and Voltage Protection Settings for Generating Resources | 10/14/2022 |
 | PRC-025-2 | Generator Relay Loadability | 8/21/2018 |
 | PRC-026-1 | Relay Performance During Stable Power Swings | 9/25/2017 |
 | PRC-026-2 | Relay Performance During Stable Power Swings | 3/28/2024 |
 | PRC-027-1 | Coordination of Protection System Performance During Faults | 6/18/2019 |
 | TOP-001-1a | Reliability Responsibilities and Authorities | 5/20/2013 |
 | TOP-001-3 | Transmission Operations | 5/24/2017 |
 | TOP-001-4 | Transmission Operations | 2/26/2018 |
 | TOP-001-5 | Transmission Operations | 3/18/2021 |
 | TOP-001-6 | Transmission Operations | 3/28/2024 |
 | TOP-002-2.1b | Normal Operations Planning | 3/20/2014 |
 | TOP-002-4 | Operations Planning | 1/20/2017 |
 | TOP-002-5 | Operations Planning | 8/23/2024 |
 | TOP-003-1 | Planned Outage Planning | 3/20/2014 |
 | TOP-003-3 | Operational Reliability Data | 10/13/2016 |
 | TOP-003-4 | Operational Reliability Data | 3/18/2021 |
 | TOP-003-5 | Operational Reliability Data | 2/14/2023 |
 | TOP-003-6.1 | Operational Reliability Data | 2/19/2024 |
 | TOP-004-2 | Transmission Operations | 10/16/2011 |
 | TOP-005-2a | Operational Reliability Information | 10/16/2011 |
 | TOP-006-2 | Monitoring System Conditions | 3/20/2014 |
 | TOP-007-0 | Reporting System Operating Limit (SOL) and Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit (IROL) Violations | 10/16/2011 |
 | TOP-008-1 | Response To Transmission Limit Violations | 1/25/2011 |
 | TOP-010-1 | Real-time Reliability Monitoring and Analysis Capabilities | 10/11/2017 |
 | TPL-001-0.1 | System Performance Under Normal Conditions | 1/25/2011 |
 | TPL-001-4 | Transmission System Planning Performance | 10/14/2014 |
 | TPL-001-5.1 | Transmission System Planning Performance | 6/5/2023 |
 | TPL-002-0b | System Performance Following Loss of a Single Bulk Electric System Element (Category B) | 3/20/2014 |
 | TPL-003-0b | System Performance Following Loss of Two or More Bulk Electric System Elements (Category C) | 3/20/2014 |
 | TPL-004-0a | System Performance Following Extreme Events Resulting in the Loss of Two or More Bulk Electric System Elements (Category D) | 3/20/2014 |
 | TPL-007-4 | Transmission System Planned Performance for Geomagnetic Disturbance Events | 6/7/2022 |
 | VAR-001-4.2 | Voltage and Reactive Control | 11/29/2017 |
 | VAR-001-5 | Voltage and Reactive Control | 1/3/2019 |
 | VAR-002-4.1 | Generator Operation for Maintaining Network Voltage | 11/29/2017 |
Header : Resource Documents (2)
 | | RSAW Feedback Form | 5/1/2012 |
 | 1.1 | NERC Reliability Standard Audit Worksheet (RSAW) Review and Revision Process | 3/6/2018 |