2017 Periodic Review Standing Review Team - Standards Grading

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The final 2017 SRT Grades are posted below.

On March 9, 2016, the Standards Committee (SC) endorsed using an enhanced version of the Independent Expert Review Panel grading tool as the metric to grade all NERC Reliability Standards. The existing grading tool now includes a question on cost effectiveness.

The chairs of the SC, Operating Committee, Planning Committee, a Regional representative, and NERC staff comprise the Periodic Review Standing Review Team (PRSRT). The PRSRT has been tasked with initial grading of all currently-enforceable Reliability Standards that have been subject to enforcement in the United States for at least one year. Grading will occur during pre-scheduled meetings and teleconferences that are open to stakeholders and posted on the NERC website. Stakeholder participation allows those with expertise in the implementation of the standards being reviewed to provide input to the PRSRT in their grading.

After the PRSRT completes its initial grading, NERC will post the results for a 45-day stakeholder comment period for PRSRT consideration prior to finalizing the grading. The 2018-2020 Reliability Standards Development Plan also will include the final grading and will be presented to the NERC Board of Trustees (Board).

The periodic review teams will use the grading as an input to their work. If a periodic review team recommends changes to a Reliability Standard, the PRSRT will re-grade and post the revised draft standard for stakeholder comment. The results of the re-graded standard will then accompany the standard recommendation when it is presented to the Board for adoption.

The SC leadership and NERC staff are working together to facilitate grading for the 2017-eligible standards.

If you have any questions regarding this project, contact 
Laura Anderson (via email) or at (404) 446-9671.

Please see the Archived Reliability Standards Under Development page for previous Standards Grading projects.


Draft Actions Dates Results Consideration of Comments

Final 2017 SRT Grades

For Informational Purposes
Supporting Materials
Comment Period
06/19/17 - 08/02/17