ERO Data Analysis System
The ERO Data Analysis System (EDAS) is an ERO tool for collecting, analyzing, and reporting information related to events which affect the Bulk Electric System. It will be the primary tool used by the ERO to track information reported through the NERC Board-approved Event Analysis Process, the NERC Cause Code Assignment Process, or any other means, including reporting as outlined in the NERC EOP-004 Reliability Standard and Department of Energy Electric Emergency Incident and Disturbance Reports (OE-417). Through this online tool, industry users will be able to submit all documentation related to these processes directly to the ERO, including NERC and the eight Regional Entities, and view and update this data at any time. This means more transparency and efficiency in the event reporting process, better trending capability for the ERO, and a higher value on the information that the ERO can provide back to you, our industry partners.
EDAS features:
  • Streamlined reporting for ERO Event Analysis Process, EOP-004 Event Reporting, and Department of Energy Electric Emergency Incident and Disturbance Reports (OE0417);
  • Integrated support for the NERC Cause Code Assignment Process (CCAP);
  • Secure online access; and
  • Secure storage and controlled access for sensitive data.
Development on the tool is currently ongoing and information will be made available as we approach the completion of the project. Please look for communications from NERC and your Regional Entity. All published communications from NERC will be made available on this web page.