Project 2022-02 Uniform Modeling Framework for IBR
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The formal comment period, additional ballots, and non-binding polls for Project 2022-02 Uniform Modeling Framework for IBR concluded at 8 p.m. Eastern, Thursday, October 10, 2024 for the following:

MOD-032-2 – Data for Power System Modeling and Analysis

Implementation Plan

The drafting team will review all responses received during the comment period and determine the next steps of the project.

Background for Phase I

Prior to FERC Order No. 901, Project 2022-02 was intended to address multiple Standard Authorization Requests (SARs) related to transmission planning and modeling data and analysis (MOD-032-1 Data for Power System Modeling and Analysis SAR from the NERC System Planning Impacts by the Distributed Energy Resources Working Group (SPIDERWG); TPL-001-5.1 Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements SAR from NERC Inverter-Based Resource Performance Working Group (IRPWG); and TPL-001-5.1 Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements SAR from the SPIDERWG).

The Project 2022-02 Drafting Team (DT) decided to break this project into two phases since there are two Reliability Standards involved and the project scopes are quite different. Phase I addresses MOD-032-1 in data collection and Phase II was intended to address TPL-001-5.1 in the accuracy of transmission system planning assessments. This posting affects Phase I of the project for proposed Reliability Standard MOD-032-2 and does not contemplate the SAR related to FERC Order No. 901; the Milestone 3, Part 1 posted for industry comments May 17 – June 24, 2024.

Draft 3 relationship to FERC Order No. 901
Around the time that Draft 3 of proposed Reliability Standard MOD-032-2 was prepared, NERC incorporated FERC Order No. 901, Milestone 3, Part 1 into the current Project 2022-02, expanding the scope of this project to include a uniform modeling framework for IBR and elevating the project to high priority. Given that the DT already modified Draft 3 of proposed Reliability Standard MOD-032-2 in response to Industry comments, and that industry need for DER data exchange continues to exist, this Draft 3 of proposed Reliability Standard MOD-032-2 is being posted for a 45-day comment period with 10-day ballot.  

Additional changes to MOD-032 may be needed based on the proposed SAR resulting from FERC Order No. 901, Milestone 3, Part 1 and will be considered as part of the Project 2022-02 workplan once the SAR and workplan have been finalized. 

Background for Uniform Modeling Framework for IBR

FERC Order No. 901 – Milestone 3, Part 1: Modeling and Data Sharing Requirements addresses regulatory directives from the NERC Standards Development Work Plan to respond to FERC Order No. 901. This project is intended to establish new or revised Reliability Standards to ensure the usage of a uniform framework for data sharing and model development. This uniform framework is to ensure the directives of Order No. 901 can be effectively met to ensure usage of generic model types for IBR in the Interconnection-wide models.

This project must ensure modeling revisions from other IBR performance requirements in other 901-related projects will utilize the uniform framework. For instance, performance of IBR during an event (grid disturbance) are identified and corrected within Milestone 2 of FERC Order No. 901. Evaluated performance within new PRC-029 or PRC-030 may necessitate some form of change to how specific IBR are represented in the model; as the IBR should be modeled based on how it performs during a disturbance or and new/changed equipment as a result of failing to ride through. However, any requisite changes to model data as a result of correcting IBR performance, must be communicated through a uniform model framework to assure all impacted entities and users of the approved models are adequately informed and provided updated models (as developed within this project). This project, Milestone 3 Part 1, will establish the uniform framework for data sharing and model development of future Order No. 901 related projects that will utilize performance data.

This project has been identified as higher priority at this time. The project has a FERC deadline of November 4, 2025.​​

Standard(s) Affected:
MOD-032-X, IRO-010, and TOP-003

Background for Phase II
The TPL-001 SARs are Phase II for Project 2022-02 and is not expected to be a high priority project. While the current Drafting Team (DT) of Project 2022-02 is working on the project, a new SAR related to TPL-001-5.1 was approved for posting by the Standards Committee (SC). The SC asked the current SDT to include this SAR as part of the project rather than creating a new project. The new SAR will address Footnote 13d issue in Standard TPL-001-5.1.

Many areas of the North American bulk power system (BPS) continue to experience an increase in BPS-connected inverter-based resources (e.g., wind, solar photovoltaic (PV), battery energy storage systems (BESS), and hybrid power plants). NERC Reliability Standard TPL-001-5.1 is a foundational standard used for “establishing transmission system performance requirements within the planning horizon to develop a bulk electric system (BES) that will operate reliably over a broad spectrum of system conditions and following a wide range of probable contingencies." Transmission Planners (TPs) and Planning Coordinators (PCs) develop and use models of the electrical grid to perform planning assessments (e.g., steady-state, dynamic, and short-circuit) to develop corrective action plans for future reliability issues identified. Ensuring that the TPL-001 standard is reflective of the evolving nature of the BPS and its resource mix is paramount to ensuring reliable operation and resilience of the BPS moving forward.

The NERC Inverter-Based Resource Performance Task Force (IRPTF)[1] undertook a complete review of the NERC Reliability Standards in the context of increasing levels of BPS-connected inverter-based resources and published a white paper on the outcomes and recommendations of this review in March 2020.[2]

Based on the outcome of the review, it was determined that the TPL-001-4/5[3] needed clarifications “to address terminology throughout the standard that is unclear with regards to inverter-based resources" the next time the standard is revised.

Considering current trends, the NERC SPIDERWG undertook a review of the TPL-001 standard considering the potential impact of distributed energy resources (DERs).  This review is captured in the following RSTC-approved white paper and serves as the technical justification for the revisions suggested in this SAR:

  • ​SPIDERWG: Assessment of DER impacts on NERC Reliability Standard TPL-001 (here)

Standard(s) Affected: 
TPL-001-5.1 and MOD-032-1

Purpose/Industry Need

The NERC TPL-001-4 Reliability Standard was revised to TPL-001-5.1 (subject to Enforcement July 1, 2023), which expanded Footnote 13 from specific Protection System relays to include communication systems, station DC supply, and control circuitry. More specifically, Footnote 13.d now applies to control circuitry from the DC supply through and including the circuit breaker trip coil. However, the footnote only provides an exclusion for a single (non-redundant) monitored and reported trip coil, but not the control circuit itself.

By only excluding the trip coil and not permitting the control circuitry to be excluded, it implies that the remainder of the Protection System control circuitry is not excluded, even if it is monitored and reported. For example, it is very common to install trip circuit monitoring which monitors the control circuitry and the trip coil, but the trip coil is the only component that qualifies for the TPL-001-5.1 exclusion.

Modifying the Footnote 13.d exception to apply to any monitored and reported components of the control circuitry to be consistent with Protection System design and operational functionality will allow the DP, GO, and TO to achieve the required transmission performance mandated by TPL-001-5.1 in a much more efficient manner.

The original TPL-001-5 SAR revises requirements within the TPL-001-5 standard to provide clarity and consistency for how BPS-connected inverter-based resources are considered, modeled, and studied in planning assessments. The proposed revisions to TPL-001-5 will ensure industry is effectively and efficiently conducting planning assessments and that the requirements are equally suitable for inverter-based resources as they are for synchronous generation.

The purpose of this SAR is to revise requirements to provide clarity, or in some cases, expand the scope of requirements when considering the performance of DERs to ensure the accuracy of Transmission System Planning Assessments.


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1 The IRPTF has subsequently become the IRPWG under the NERC Reliability and Security Technical Committee (RSTC). 
2 NERC IRPTF, “IRPTF Review of NERC Reliability Standards," March 2020:
3 At the time of review, the TPL-001-5 standard had just recently been approved by FERC and was yet to be subject to enforcement.
4 See Requirement R1 of MOD-032-1, which requires each TP and PC to develop data requirements and reporting procedures for the collection of modeling data used for the development of models for each PC footprint.​

DraftActionsDatesResultsConsideration of Comments

Draft 3

Clean​ | Redline to Last Posted |
Redline to Last Approved​ 

This posting affects Phase I of the project for proposed Reliability Standard MOD-032-2 and does not contemplate the SAR related to FERC Order No. 901; the Milestone 3, Part 1

Implementation Plan
Clean | Redline

 Supporting Materials

Unofficial Comment Form (Word)

VRF/VSL Justification

Clean | Redline

Technical Rationale
Clean | Redline

Additional Ballots and 
Non-binding Polls

Ballots Open Reminder​



10/01/24​– 10/10/24

​​Ballot Results
Non-Binding Poll Results

Comment Period


Submit Comments

08/27/24– 10/10/24

Comments Received​​
FERC Order No. 901, Milestone 3, Part 1 SAR

Additional Materials

Unofficial Comment Form (Word)​​
​Comment Period


Submit Comments

05/1​7/24 - 06/24/24 

​​​​​​Comments Received​​
​Supplemental Drafting Team Nominations

Additional Materials

Unofficial Nomination Form (Word)
​Nomination Period


Submit Nominations

05/17/24 - 06/24/24​

Draft 2

MOD-032-1 (For reference only)

Clean | Redline to Last Posted |
Redline to Last Approved​ (updated)

Implementation Plan
Clean | Redline to Last Posted

 Supporting Materials

Unofficial Comment Form (Word)

VRF/VSL Justification

Technical Rationale
Clean | Redline to Last Posted​

Additional Ballots and 

Non-binding Polls

Ballots​ Open Reminder​



11/10/23 – 11/20/23
​​Ballot Results
Non-Binding Poll Results

Consideration of Comments​​
Comment Period


Submit Comments

10/06/23 – 11/20/23

Comments Received​

​Initial Ballots and 

Non-binding Polls

Ballots Open Reminder​



07/05/23 – 07/14/23

​​Ballot Results
Non-Binding Poll Results


Join Ballot Pools

05/31/23 – 06/29/23

Comments Received​
Comment Period


Submit Comments

05/31/23 – 07/14/23

Comment Period


Submit Comments​

04/13/23 – 05/12/​23

Comments Received

TPL-001-5.1 IRPWG SAR​
Clean | Redline
Clean | Redline

​MOD-032-1 SAR
Clean | Redline​

The Standards Committee accepted these SARs on September 21, 2022

Drafting Team Nominations

Supporting Materials

Unofficial Nomination Form (Word) 

Nomination Period


Submit Nominations​

02/01/22 – 03/02/22



MOD-032-1 SAR​


Supporting Materials​​

Unofficial Comment Form (Word)​

Comment Period


Submit Comments​

​​​​02/01/22 – 03/02/22


Comments Received​

